Tag: online

GoDaddy’s Unlimited Upload File Size – Know The Facts

Recently there has been an argument on the GoDaddy Support Forums over the ability to upload files with no file size limit. You can view this thread here.

The thread began by jchasko who questioned a file size limit after receiving failures  upon uploading files around 4 gigabytes (GB).  GoDaddy Forums staff member christianh replied by referencing to an article on the GoDaddy Support website.

The article states that the upload file size limit is 1GB per file or 1GB total for all the files being uploaded at one time. Also, the upload size is limited by the space available on the user’s account. The article seems to explain the uploading limits clearly.

In another thread, viewable here, a few members requested cancellation of their accounts and refunds for not being given SFTP – a secure connection to their online storage folders.

One member, web_site_creat says:

Add me to the list. A secure connection is a must, there’s no good excuse not to have sftp or some sort of encryption without using the https://onlinefilefolder.com interface.

GoDaddy Forum staff member JasonP replied in the original thread that the upload file size limit is in fact 2GB – NOT 1GB as previously stated in the article provided and by christianh. About a month later, the same staff member, JasonP, then replies and says the upload limit is 1GB. This is after he said 1GB was wrong and that it should be a 2GB file size limit for uploads.

As if this was not enough confusion for the web hosting users, there was further complications with the GoDaddy’s features list. The Online Storage webpage from www.godaddy.com shows plans, pricing, comparisons between the GoDaddy features and other competitors, and more. On this page it states that with the GoDaddy services you get “Unlimited Sharing – Both for the number of files AND the file size.”

GoDaddy.com's Storage Features Comparison List

Following this statement is subtext in fine print that states “Subject to plan storage space limits” – which is suppose to clarify that file size limits are different for different accounts and their specifications. The problem is that this doesn’t quite simplify things or shine any light on the true details. In fact, upload file size limits are capped at 2GB according to most users’ experience at GoDaddy. That’s not even what the article that many staff members referred to says, as it claims the upload limit to be only 1GB total.

User bbakersmith comments about the upload file size limit and its intangibility:

Are you planning to update the information on https://www.godaddy.com/email/online-storage.aspx? You’ve obviously been made aware of this issue and yet it still states that the file size limit is “Unlimited” and that one of the features you offer is “Unlimited Sharing°. Both for the number of files AND the file size.”

The “°Subject to plan storage space limits” fine print doesn’t seem adequate as this implies that the max file size is the same as the max storage size.

All in all, the lesson here is that you must always read the fine print before making your final decision and ultimately, your purchase. File size limits can be an important point that must be covered when dealing with web hosting or server space because you may need access to large files such as: videos, downloads, programs, executable files, etc.

Always consider every possible need for your web hosting or server. Many times, companies will require you to purchase Virtual Private Servers (VPS) to acquire unlimited file sizes for upload and other undesired restrictions.

Thanks for reading.

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The Truth About SOPA and PIPA

Stop SOPA and PIPA
Protect your online rights! Stop SOPA & PIPA!

So, you might have heard some word about these bills “SOPA” (Stop Online Piracy Act) and “PIPA” (Protect IP Act). These bills were established October 26th, 2011 with the introduction of SOPA from the House of Representatives congressman – Lamar S. Smith. Basically the reason for the creation of these acts is to put an end to online piracy and the spread of illegally downloaded software, games, music, you name it. These bills come from the constant demand for intellectual property protection from organizations such as Universal Media Group, RIAA, and the MPAA. While this may seem like a very necessary and helpful action, the true potential of these bills is in fact far from its proclaimed intent.

What does SOPA and PIPA mean to you?

Together, these bills will allow for full censorship of the world-wide-web, otherwise known as the internet. What does that mean? It means that whatever you post on your Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, or whatever it may be – is up for revision by the U.S. government. Sounds a little bit like the censorship of the internet taking place in the People’s Republic of China, doesn’t it? That’s because it ultimately IS.

Let’s say you post a video on Youtube, whatever the intent of the video may be, and you include a song in that video. If you do not personally own the rights to that song, that video will be removed. Think of all the videos on Youtube right now that fit that description… That is a LOT of content, just gone now. Or maybe you post an image on your Facebook, something you found funny or just liked. Once again, that being an image you do not personally own, will be removed. This affects a lot of content and innovation that we all love so much on the web.

Here’s what will happen if SOPA and PIPA become laws of the U.S. constitution:

  • Security threats – countless websites will be forced to modify their software opening security holes and increased vulnerability to their websites.
  • Free Speech Infringement – the government controls what you can and can’t publish to what was once the worlds greatest free information resource.
  • Innovation Out the Window – developers and publishers will have a very hard time establishing government-approved content and products.
  • Internet Police” – The federal government will be using ISPs, cable companies, web hosts, etc. as their task force to achieved a censored internet.

That is just the quick summary of what these bills could mean. Maybe the bill sponsors Lamar Smith and Patrick Leahy didn’t intend on infringing on free speech or basically destroying the internet we all know and love, but that is exactly what these bills threaten to do if passed.

The sad part is that there are other ways to run a business in these industries without violating U.S. law or taking part in online piracy. Services such as iTunes, Steam, Pandora, and Last-FM all offer services for digital goods like music, movies, and games, and they do it LEGALLY. All it takes is a little innovation to provide a better service like these organizations do. What does the federal government want to do? Take full control of the internet and online life.

What can you do?

I know it seems like there isn’t much you can do about this sort of thing, but you are the ones that CAN. Contact your local representatives office and give them a piece of your mind!

Find and contact your local representative:

Join the fight against online censorship:

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PHP Users Online with Mysql

Using PHP and Mysql you can keep track of the users online your website and display it on your page.

First thing ,we need a table in our Mysql database for the users online. So let’s make a table in our database.

[code lang=”sql”]
mysql_query(“CREATE TABLE online(
ip_address VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL,
timestamp VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL)”) or die(mysql_error());

Now that we have the table, we need to update the users online on every page. That way it is most accurate and up to date with who is currently online. We will set a time offset so that we include all users online within the past 5 minutes.

[code lang=”php”]
mysql_query(“UPDATE online SET timestamp = ‘”.time().”‘ WHERE ip_address = ‘$ip’) or die(mysql_error());
} else {
mysql_query(“INSERT INTO online (ip_address,timestamp) VALUES (‘$ip’,'”.time().”‘)”) or die(mysql_error());
$delete = mysql_query(“DELETE FROM online WHERE timestamp < '$time_offset'") or die(mysql_error()); ?>

Now every time someone goes on a page with this code, mysql will check to see if the user is in the system, and if so update their current timestamp, otherwise create a row for them in the table. It will also erase any rows with old timestamps. This will keep the table clean and updated.

Now we count the users online and show it on the page.

[code lang=”php”]
$online = mysql_num_rows($sql);

return ‘There are ‘.$online.’ user(s) currently online. ‘;

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