About Us

The web developers at bgallz.org are determined to provide the best free programming and design resources. We publish articles on web development news, web design and programming, and various other tech related matters.

We also offer services for any web development related needs including but not limited to:

  • Web design: You give us your requirements and ideas, we make them into a professionally elegant design.
  • Web programming: Whatever your coding job may be, we are up to the challenge.
  • SEO: Need to improve your search engine traffic? We can help you there!
  • Social Media: We’ll make sure you have your Facebook, Twitter, and all that setup correctly.

Want to Become a bgallz.org Author?

Send an email to: support@bgallz.org

With the following:

  • Your name, address, and date of birth.
  • What you want to write about (articles, scripts, designs, etc.)
  • Any examples of your work. You must include some examples!
  • Any previous experience you have and experience you hope to gain.

You will receive a reply within 7 days for an approval decision. Thanks for your interest in the team.

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