Such Gold – Stand Tall EP (2009)

Genre: Pop Punk / Hardcore
Year: 2009

Mightier Than Sword Records

Such Gold - Stand Tall Album Cover


1. Four Superbowls, No Rings
2. You Always Know What’s Best
3. What’s Left Of You
4. The Greatest Comeback Of All Time
5. Stand Tall

Visit Such Gold’s myspace here!

Get this album on iTunes!

You can download their Stand Tall EP here!

Every once in a while you listen to a band and wonder about their future as a group and whether or not they’ll trail off into sell-outs for major record labels or loose the focus they have as an early group. Such Gold, from my first listen, never seemed to be a band I would worry about one’s future. Their focus is clear in quick beats and great chants as well as a desire for an exciting and unique pop-punk/hardcore performance. From Rochester, NY Such Gold has only been around for a little over a year, but their execution – in this writer’s opinion – appears to be dead on.

Currently their band is made up of the following members:

Ben Kotin – Vocals
Nate Derby – Guitar
Tim Heald – Guitar/Vocals
Devon Hubbard – Bass/Vocals
Devan Bentley – Drums

I found a link on Google for the lyrics to this EP, check them out here!

Check out this Youtube video too:


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